Top Things You Should Know About EMDR Therapy

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a psychotherapy treatment option that your doctor might recommend to you at some point. Of course, it's a good idea to learn what you can about any treatment options that you and your doctor might be considering. For example, these are some of the things you may want to know about EMDR therapy.

It's Used to Treat Various Conditions

If you are wondering about the different types of conditions that EMDR therapy is used for, you should know that this treatment option is actually used for a variety of different things. Many doctors recommend EMDR therapy for those who have suffered from some type of trauma or who suffer from PTSD. However, EMDR therapy is also commonly used for people who suffer from anxiety or depression. It's not a bad idea to talk to your primary care doctor, therapist, or psychiatrist about EMDR therapy if you suffer from one of these conditions or something similar, and they can let you know if EMDR therapy might be right for you. They can also talk to you about other treatment options that can be used in conjunction with EMDR therapy.

It's Generally Considered to Be Safe

Although you might be looking into an effective treatment option for anxiety, PTSD, or another issue, you might be cautious about the types of treatments that you want to try. You might have avoided taking medication, for example, since you might worry about things like addiction or side effects. The good news is that EMDR therapy should not be physically painful, should not have side effects, and should be safe for you. If you have concerns about these things, of course, you can talk to your doctor.

It's Highly Effective

As someone who suffers from depression, panic, anxiety, PTSD, or other similar conditions, you might feel as if your everyday life has been seriously affected because of it. You might be worried that things will never be normal for you again. You might have even tried other treatment options that did not work out well for you. However, many people find that EMDR therapy is very effective and helpful for them, and you will hopefully find that this is the case for you, too.

These are just some of the basic things that you will probably want to know about EMDR therapy. If you talk to your doctor, they can give you more information about whether or not this type of therapy might be right for you. 

For more information, contact a local therapist like Leigh Carter LMFT.
